Tech Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A One–Hour Support Ticket Response Guarantee

  • We provide a one–hour response time guarantee for any support ticket or e–mail that you send to our customer support staff. We’ll speedily answer all common questions and forward the case to our server admins in case any additional assistance is required. If you take advantage of the Optional Admin Services package, we’ll execute any of the included server administration services at a time that has been agreed upon earlier.

  • Top quality support service
  • A First–Class Client Support Service

  • Our customer support team will be available to you 24x7x365 should you need help working with our Web Control Panel or with any of the applications that we have preinstalled on your behalf on the dedicated hosting server. What is more if you require assistance tackling all the ordinary admin tasks on your server, you can examine our Optional Admin Services package, which includes data backup hard disk drive space, weekly Operating System updates, software installation and troubleshooting procedures, server monitoring and restarting services, etc.

  • Intuitive help center
  • A User–Friendly Help Section

  • Each dedicated web hosting plan comes with our free Web Control Panel, which offers an in–depth knowledge base plus a set of how–to video tutorials. Whenever you require assistance while working with the Web Control Panel, just click the Help or Videos buttons situated in the top right corner.