There are several ways to get in touch with the hosting company whose services you are using, but the one that you’ll invariably find irrespective of which company you select is a ticketing system. This is the easiest correspondence channel for many reasons. In case no help desk support staff representative is available at the moment and they’re all occupied, a telephone call may not be answered, but a ticket will invariably be received. Furthermore, you can copy/paste extensive pieces of information without having to worry about printing mistakes, and if a certain problem requires more time to be sorted out or a number of responses have to be exchanged, all the info will be in one and the same location, so each party can always see the comments written by the other one. The negative aspect of using tickets to touch base with your hosting company is that they are usually separate from the hosting platform, which means that if you need to provide info or to follow directions, you’ll have to use no less than two different accounts and this number might increase if you would like to manage a number of domain names. On top of that, lots of web hosting providers reply to tickets after a few hours, or even once in every 24 hours, and for you as a customer, this means wasted time while waiting for a reply.
Integrated Ticketing System in Cloud Website Hosting
The ticketing system that we are using for our cloud website hosting plans is not separate from the web hosting account. It’s included in our full-featured Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you will be able to access it at any particular moment with only a couple of mouse clicks, without having to log out of your hosting account. The ticketing system features a quick-search field, so you can track down any trouble ticket that you’ve posted in the past, if needed. Moreover, you can see knowledge base articles that belong to various problem categories, which you can choose, so you can discover how to tackle a given problem before you actually post a ticket. The ticket response time is no more than sixty minutes, which suggests that you can obtain swift assistance at any time and in case our tech support staff recommends that you should do something within your hosting account, you can do it straight away without signing out of the Hepsia Control Panel.
Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you have a semi-dedicated server account with us and you want to contact our client service team members, you will be able to send a ticket straight from your Hepsia hosting Control Panel instead of going through an entirely different technical support platform as you will need to do with most hosting companies out there. Our integrated ticketing system will permit you to post a new ticket without any efforts and to go through older tickets using an intelligent search box. Moreover, you’ll be able to read the relevant knowledgebase articles that our system will present you with on the basis of the category that you choose for your new ticket. You can carry out all the above-mentioned activities without logging out of your Control Panel at any time, which suggests that if you bump into any obstacle or have a query, you can get in touch with our support engineers and fix the given problem in no more than sixty minutes through one support platform.