Dropbox is a well-known cloud file storage platform. Different from a hosting service where you can have a site which is accessible online by typing a domain, Dropbox allows you to store files, which you can access from their app using a PC or a smartphone. The files aren't executed, so an html file will be listed and not shown as an actual webpage. The service allows you to access your content material from any location as long as you log in with the proper credentials. Since the firm allows third-party firms to use their API, we've taken advantage of this service and we give you the opportunity to generate regular automatic backups of the info you have on our end to a Dropbox account so long as you have sufficient space. This will include one more level of security for your sites simply because you will always have a copy of any information that you could need and if the app is installed on your computer system, a copy will be available not only on their hosting servers, but also within a folder on your end.
Dropbox Backups in Cloud Website Hosting
You can use Dropbox for backups regardless of the cloud website hosting plan that you select when you sign up and the function shall be available within the Hepsia Control Panel that comes with all accounts. Linking one or even multiple Dropbox accounts takes only a couple of mouse clicks and once the connection with our system is established, you could select if all your data shall be backed up there or just certain Internet sites and databases. This depends on the size of the content material that you have on our end and the amount of space you have in your Dropbox account. The amount of backups that you can have ranges from three to fourteen and our system shall make a new one each day, so you could have a copy of your info for up to fourteen days back and you will be able to access them on your PC as conventional folders and files. You can certainly change the sites or the number of backups anytime. This functionality is a superb addition to the backups which we'll keep of your entire content four times a day. If you no longer want your Dropbox account to be linked to our system, you could remove it with only a mouse click in your CP.
Dropbox Backups in Semi-dedicated Servers
All semi-dedicated server accounts set up on our sophisticated cloud web hosting platform feature the Dropbox backup function by default, so you'll be able to link an account that you have with them with a few mouse clicks. The tool that you shall find inside the Hepsia hosting Control panel will allow you to select different options - what site files and databases will be backed up and what number of copies should be kept within your Dropbox account. In this way you could have a copy just of certain content for up to two weeks back. These options could be modified effortlessly anytime and you can even use several Dropbox accounts or delete ones that you no longer want to use. You should only make sure that the total size of the backups doesn't exceed the disk space limit you have on their end. Since the backed up content could be accessed in a standard folder on your computer, this feature is a useful addition to the daily backups which we'll make of your whole account at least four times each day.
Dropbox Backups in VPS Servers
All VPS server accounts which are set up with our state-of-the-art Hepsia CP come with the Dropbox backup function by default, therefore if you would like to take advantage of this function, you only have to link the 2 accounts with a couple of clicks and our system will begin producing copies of your content every single day. You will be able to decide what will be backed up - particular domain folders and databases or the entire data, as well as how many copies shall be stored on the Dropbox service - from 3 to 14. These options depend upon the size of the Internet sites on the VPS and the free space which you have with Dropbox and they can be modified at any time, providing you with a lot more flexibility. The function could be disabled with just a mouse click within the respective section of Hepsia if you no longer wish to use your Dropbox account for backups. We also provide a regular backup of your information with the Managed Services upgrade, which features a wide variety of other administration services.
Dropbox Backups in Dedicated Servers
All Linux dedicated servers which are set up with our Hepsia hosting Control Panel incorporate the Dropbox backup function by default, so if you need to use this service, you simply have to link the server to your account from the Dropbox section within Hepsia. The user-friendly interface will allow you to choose the Internet sites that will be backed up in case that you do not require the whole content you have on the server or you simply do not have much free space inside your Dropbox account. You could also decide how many copies of the daily backups will be kept, thus if you choose the maximum number of 14, for example, you shall have a copy of your files and databases for every day of the past two weeks. Both options can be edited at any time in case you change your mind with regards to the content of the number of backups you need. You could also disconnect the Dropbox account easily if you don't want to use it or if you want to use the backup service that is a part of our Managed services upgrade along with other practical server management tasks that our system administrators can perform for you.